For thirty years, layer after layer, gesture after gesture, Bruno Dufourmantelle, a painter of matter to the last detail, has taken us to lands where the unspeakable takes shape.
Désirée De Lamarzelle - Oniriq - 2024
Reflections of an extraordinary existence, these landscapes with lost edges, fantastical, confound. Defy understanding. Carry the joys and dramas, both intimate and universal. And overwhelm.
Anne-Sophie von Claer - Le Figaro - 2021
Bruno Dufourmantelle places painting at the center of reality, and spends all his capital of emotion and sensitivity around it. Each of his paintings seems to suggest the totality of reality, while at the same time being only a part of that totality.
Nadine Descendre - Beaux Arts - 1988
Painting, music, literature, pictorial colors, the color of a sound, a colorful text... Color sometimes plays a role in offering us masterpieces.
Dorian Paquin - L'Officiel de la couture et de la mode de Paris - 1984